Get Your Spotlight!

Free Spotlight Video

Get your FREE Spotlight video!
If you have a book, service, or product to promote, just complete the following form to be considered for a complimentary SPOTLIGHT video.
We'll produce a brief (under 2 minute) video including your URL, photo(s), and information. You can use this video anywhere you like!


1.) We'll produce your video as a Get Your Spotlight featured business which means we'll include our intro and ending pages that feature our services. One it's posted, you may use this video in its unedited form in any manner you like.

2.) Also, we request that you offer one of the following:

-Link back to our main site:
-Blog post about our services
-Press release about your video including our services
-Other (Let us know if you have another option you'd like considered)

Where will you use this video?

It will be on our Get Your Spotlight blog plus posted on YouTube (moehrmarketing). Embed it, link to it, use it in your marketing, etc.!
Use your photos!
Let us know where we can find photos of your products or you (URL) and we'll include them!

Full name:
Email address:
About your business, book, product
Your URL
URL to find photos to use
Second URL to find photos
Which photos should be used? (describe)
Where/How will you use this video?
What can you offer us?
If other, please describe
Link back/blog post: URL where this will be posted

We will evaluate your business/product and let you know if you're selected for the SPOTLIGHT!
Any questions may be directed to us at: