MLM - Networking Marketing - Party Plan Leads Generation

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Direct Sales Marketing Leads


How do I motivate my M.L.M downline? 
"What can I do to get them to produce more?"

Does anything work?

Historically people have tried the most asinine things in an attempt to "motivate" human beings. Slavery and threatening of life, rallies and hype-driven events, even people running across hot coals. The US Navy has done many different experiments to try to get men to produce more. They've tested whether men who go out drinking together produce more. They've put men who hated each other together and men who were best friends together to see which would produce more.

None of these have worked...for very long. People can come out of a Tony Robbins event super excited and "motivated." But after a day or two - maybe even a week - they're back to their previous production level.

I might as well go ahead and let the cat out of the bag because he's practically ripping the bag open at this point. YOU CAN'T MOTIVATE YOUR M.L.M DOWNLINE! But you can get them to produce more. Which is what you really want FOR them and FROM them anyway.

To get your downline to DO more, to get them to exhibit confidence, cheerfulness, and discipline requires you to do two things...GET THEM EFFECTIVE AT WHAT THEY DO with good M.L.M training and make it in their interest to do it. The US Navy concluded that when production was high, more production occurred.

Effective M.L.M training is the only thing that truly works
So for you - trying to get your downline to produce more - or produce anything - you must train them. You might be saying, "But I train my people every Saturday! I give them a training manual. I do conference calls." I realize you may have been working very hard at training your downline. But, the test of effective M.L.M training is not whether you conduct training. It's whether the student can do it! NOTHING ELSE.

List of what to train your downline
Here's how and what I recommend you train your downline on.
• How to establish goals
• How and what to know to be effective (most of which is on this list)
• How to promote
• What to say to people when they make phone calls
• How to set appointments
• How to present the M.L.M business or products
• How to sell the M.L.M business or products
• How to sponsor people (the correct procedures and sequence)
• How to train new distributors

To get your downline to produce and produce more, you need to get them effective in each one of these areas. When they can do each of these things, they will be motivated because they are effective. They WILL produce because they feel ABLE to produce.

Bomb squad trained me
I did not just come up with this M.L.M success system overnight. I worked it up and down until it worked. I got the concept from something I learned in the bomb squad.

Before my network marketing career, I was in the US Navy Underwater Bomb Squad. Only one man is allowed to go work on a live bomb. No sense in blowing two bomb-techs up because of one man's mistake! When we headed down to work on the bomb, we took a piece of plexiglass and a grease pencil. When we were getting ready to do the first step of defusing the bomb we would:

a) Write what we were going to do.
b) Do the item.
c) Check it off as being done.

Then go to step two. Write it down, do it, then check it off. The reason we did this exact sequence is because if the bomb blew up, the other bomb squad techs knew that very valuable information was written on that piece of plexiglass. When they retrieved the plexiglass they would see that item 1 and 2 were okay to do. But item 3 upset the bomb - don't do that step!

The items written on that Plexiglas became our "Standard Operating Procedures." Obviously leaving out that last step that upset the bomb! It was our sequence of defusing that bomb when we faced it again. I applied the same principles to network marketing and the above list of activities. These activities are the only activities that make money in network marketing.

Be a great coach
As a coach, if you have your distributor keep a record of how many times he/she does each activity you can coach the exact item that THAT distributor is having a problem with. If you don't use this list and try to coach - you're coaching on what you think the group needs. Or you're coaching a "pet" category of your own. I've observed closely new distributors. They don't "engage" into the business until they feel confident in what to say to their prospects. Therefore, they need to know how to do items 1-5 before you have them on the phone. See, it doesn't make sense to know how to do New Distributor Training before they know how to set appointments. I've known lots of distributors who've quit that still know the compensation plan. I know plenty of failed distributors who know how to train a new distributor who have never sponsored anyone.

I don't know a lot of distributors who have quit who can set appointments and have the prospect show up. My point is, to really have M.L.M success you need to first train your distributors to be able to invite, and then train them how to present, and then train them how to train.

Other items important in getting your downline to produce:

1. Ethical behavior. People will not follow (or produce for) someone who is unethical or dishonest.

2. Boldness. People will follow boldness because they like following in the footsteps of a bold leader. What does it take to be bold? You must be productive yourself. Let your MLM downline see you face your fears. Let them see you make phone calls, let them see you do presentations, let them see you standing there waiting for your guests.

3. Be interested in them. Show your people that you are interested in their goals. Put your front line's goals on your refrigerator. Talk to them about their goals. This is where the "make it in their interest to do it" comes in.

4. Be the source of information. Always be up-to-date on the latest information. This means you stay connected to the company's source of information. Also, teach your downline where your sources are - otherwise you will always be stuck with the job.

I think you can tell that I don’t agree with the philosophy of "leaders are found not made." Train your M.L.M distributors to be effective and they will be self-motivated. This is very different from you trying to "pump them up," which doesn’t work.

Tim Sales helps network marketers gain the confidence and skills to be an M.L.M success.



Top SIX Problems with a MLM Home Biz Opp

Your primary responsibility in MLM is selling products. Examples of products you may sell are health supplements, vitamins, herbal drinks, satellite dishes, etc. This is done by using independent distributors who you recruit. These independent distributors build and manage their own sales force. This is done by recruiting, motivating, supplying, and training others to sell products. The distributors' compensation includes their own sales and a percentage of the sales of their downline (sales group).

So what's the deal with MLM? Is it just hype or can you truly get rich quick? Read on for the truth you must know about MLM.

The first problem, you won’t have the temperament for it: You have to be “up” and excited 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to do well at MLM. In order to successfully lead your team (downline) you have to be a neurotically “positive thinker.” At least this is what your upline will tell you. They expect you to never get upset, never to say anything bad about another…whatever you do remember to suppress your emotions. That is what they will tell you. Your team and your upline will count on you to always be Mary Poppin’s no matter how bad things get. Practice your fake grin; you’re going to need it!

The second problem is that MLM requires you to attend too many meetings: You’ll despise all the meaningless meetings, being around people you don’t like, and investing a bunch of time dealing with every incalculable annoyance you can think of. If you have a day job this can really be a problem. You think you have no spare time now? Wait until you are sitting in someone’s basement at 11pm at night on a Wednesday listening to the same “Plan” you’ve heard a thousand times before.

The third problem is that recruiting people will become like a second job: Your friends, family, neighbors, and complete strangers will get tired of you begging them to become a member of something or asking them to buy something. You will become emotionally fatigued from all of their rejections and dealing with the natural capriciousness of human beings.

The fourth problem, simply put, is fatigue: You’ll get worn out due to overexertion from recruiting people and maintaining your other business affairs. Every weekend you used to spend relaxing and recuperating from your crappy, draining 9 to 5 job will be spent doing stupid MLM related stuff.

The fifth problem is the unpredictable nature of distributors you will be associated with: You’ll get sick of companies shutting down and folding up on you.

The sixth problem is constant frustration: You will be constantly grumpy and tired due to fatigue and lack of sleep. Yet you are expected to be “bright and shiny,” happy and enthusiastic all the time. These unrealistic expectations finally will wear you down completely.

Conclusion There have been thousands of people who have fallen victim of MLM scams. There are legitimate companies out there offering real work at home opportunities for those interested. Unfortunately, home based business scams are at an all time high. So, if you are planning on trying MLM, use common sense and the guidelines above to avoid falling victim to these infamous scams!


The Key to Success: Duplicating your downline
In your own network marketing organization that you built how did you figure out what to do and what to duplicate?

A: While building my MLM business, I learned that the first thing to do is to build a prototype that actually works. When I define the word "work" I mean that you as an individual are able to make a customer happy. And once you make that customer happy you've got to write it out - write out exactly what you did. Then follow your own written procedures and see if you can recreate that same happy customer in another person.

How this worked for me is that I just looked over my product line and what suited me best (my company sold personal care products). I noticed that I was around a whole bunch (being in the Navy) of guys that had bad skin , acne, problem skin. So I first got successful with myself. I had a similar situation with my skin so I used the products and found the best combinations and so forth that got me results.

From that I was able to get four other guys that were in my unit to do the same process. I wrote up what it was that I did and then I showed them how simple it was and that they too could help people that they knew and saw that had problem skin. I ended up with this whole group of rough, tough, macho guys out there selling this mud that pulled impurities out of the skin. That was the way that my network marketing organization began to duplicate.

Q: Did you find it was easy to teach your MLM downline to do exactly what you had done?

A: NO! That's where you have to perfect your system. You have to continually work on your systems to ensure that those systems are in place and are workable. And then this is the part that can get you - once a person figures out how to get success - the greatest seduction, I believe, in all of life is to always want to continue to DO that, instead of TEACH that. Because it seems easier to do than having the patience to sit back and allow that other person to make the same errors and mistakes that you made.

I think that is perhaps the greatest difficulty in leadership. I think that every one of the books that are out there on leadership – that's the part that I've always seen that's missing. Having the patience to just sit there and watch and observe, and see people in your group make mistakes but not correct them at that particular moment sit back and say, "Alright is this a systematic thing that I need to change? Or is this something specific to this individual that I need to change?"

I'll give you an example for this. There's a lady in my network marketing organization now, and she has absolutely resisted being a public speaker and speaking in front of more than one or two people at a time. I started off encouraging her to just stand up and do nothing but introduce me. And of course she fought it, and she needed to prepare for it for a week, and things like that. But in the process, I taught her how to teach herself, if you will. In other words, I told her, "Okay, what you need to do is set up a teddy bear or some kind of stuffed animal that you're communicating to and then talk to it."

So, the next time I'm speaking at one of her events, I'm listening to her introduce me, and I walk into the back of the room and no one can hear her back there. Of course, I'm not going to correct her in that moment so I wait and then I praise her. The rule is that you praise twice and correct once. If you ever get those ratios out of order then you're going to have basically a "tucked tail." That's what they call it in the dog training world. When you're training a dog, if the tail goes below parallel to the back, you stop training that dog (because he's starting to feel "whipped") and you praise the dog. So, in a similar way, you praise twice and correct once with people.

With this lady, I waited until it came back around again that she was going to be presenting our team's MLM business briefing. What I said to her was, "Okay, it does you no good to prepare and plan and train yourself if the people can't hear you. And so what I want you to do is to read aloud to your children." She's got two kids and she had already told me that she reads to them every night. I told her, "What I'd like you to do is put them on the other side of the room; don't cuddle up in the bed with them. Be on the other side of the room and you read to them."

She tried that and of course she emailed me back and she said, "That was unbelievable! The kids kept saying, 'We can't hear you Mom!'" She began to figure out, "Oh, okay. I have to project my voice. That sound has to get to the back of the room. Just because the front of the room hears it, it doesn't mean that the whole room hears it."

So this is what I'm talking about. That was something that was specific to that person that I had to assess – "Okay, there is something that she needs help with. What specific thing does she need training in?" Then I figured out a way to teach her to do that.

Now, she was just on a radio talk show and she's been requested to come back and be a speaker in this community of events that happens every week. She is becoming that public speaker that she resisted being for so long. And of course, now she ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT. I've seen her speak; she's good.

Being a great MLM leader means developing a simple, workable system and then having the patience to teach others - in spite of the discomfort of sitting through their mistakes. It's not always easy but it can be really profitable for you.

Are you being...Oh No!...A Salesperson?

When you're approaching your prospect you have to honestly ask yourself, "If I were approached in this way, how would I respond?" If you even have the slightest doubt about the answer to that question then chances are you're being a "salesperson" and not a friendly consultant. Which would you rather be approached by?

Why is it that most people hate sales? Because they don't like the stereotypical salesperson. You know the image, the smarmy, fast-talkin', too smiley person who manipulates you into a buying decision that really isn't a good fit for your needs or your budget.
If you're feeling that way about your approach to your mlm leads then chances are you're not using a consultative approach. What's the difference? Essentially a consultative approach uses the idea of focusing on the prospect and the prospect's wants and then working together to find out if what you have to offer is a fit for the prospect. It's the old "what's in it for them" approach.

Ask questions geared toward finding out what your prospect wants. What are their goals? How did they arrive at these goals? Who supports them in their decisions and actions? Ask about how they'd like to see themselves 90-days, 6 months, and a year down the road. After this, help the prospect to search for options as to how they can attain those goals.

Obviously the prospect understands that your end goal is to recruit them or make the sale if there's a fit. Don't try to hide that you are looking for a win-win for each of you. However, don't cheat the prospect out of searching for reasonable solutions that do and do not include you. As these options become apparent, you can work with the prospect to share how what you have to offer can truly be a fit for the prospect if you feel that is the case.
More on this next time. Until then, think about your approach. Are you truly trying to help your prospect or just make the sale? If you have any doubt, consider this: Take the sale out of the equation completely. If you can talk to your prospects without ever thinking about selling them something, you are being friendly and consultative. Then, and only, then are you really ready to spring "the sales talk" into the conversation.


"What did they say about me?"

Harness the POWER of testimonials!

Testimonials are a great way to market your business and service. They give you credibility like a third-party endorsement. It is no longer you alone saying that you and your company and products or services are phenomenal-—it is someone else saying that they are phenomenal!


The difference with testimonials and advertising is that when you place an ad, everyone knows that you have paid for it. It is you “tooting your own horn.” Much more believable and credible is someone else who is “tooting your horn!” This is the power of testimonials!


Once you have them, where should you use them? Use testimonials in your marketing materials, use them on your web site, use them in advertisements, use them in your media kits, put them on business cards and make sure to use them in your sales presentations and/or on the telephone as success stories.


Testimonials are valuable and you should use them as often as possible. When deciding to make a purchase, people love to see what other people say, who they are and what their experience was with your service. If possible, follow a current trend of putting a small picture of the person giving the testimonial next to it. This really helps your potential customers feel more comfortable by putting a face to the testimonial.


So, how do you get all of those glowing testimonials from satisfied customers? Simply just ask them! Get in the habit of asking every single satisfied customer for a testimonial. It may take some time to get comfortable with but once you do it will come naturally. Your customer will be pleased you asked them for their input and likely will be happy to oblige!


In getting testimonial, there are many ways to get them easily. Here are a few:


1. Satisfaction Survey: Ask your customers to fill out a brief customer satisfaction survey. Leave space for comments at the end. Make sure to also ask at the end of the survey, “May we use your name and comments in our marketing materials?” Have a space for them to check “yes” or “no,” along with their signature. Most people are delighted to have you use their comments!


2. Evaluation Form: If you use public speaking to increase your visibility and generate leads for your business pass out an evaluation form to your audience. Make sure to ask at the end of the evaluation form, “May we use your name and comments in our marketing materials?” Have a space for them to check “yes” or “no,” along with their signature. Again, most people are delighted to have you use their comments!


3. Using the satisfied customer’s name greatly increases your credibility. It is far stronger to have an endorsement with a name than without. Use the customer’s name and the company name. Make sure to ask permission to use their name first.


4. Get Letters: Ask your customers to write testimonial letters. Say, “I was wondering if you could help me.” (People love to help!) “Would you write a testimonial letter for me outlining how happy you are with our product/service?” (Only ask customers that you are sure are happy!)


5. DIY: Offer to write it for them, “I know that you are very busy. I’d be more than happy to draft something for you to edit.” People do genuinely want to help, and people are also genuinely very busy. This makes it easy for them to help.


6. Project Completion: Every time you complete a project and/or a customer says something positive to you about your product/service, say to them, “Would you write that down on your letterhead? It would be a big help to me, and I would use it to market my product/service.”


Use your testimonials as success stories when speaking with prospects or even customers. This enables you to tell others what you have accomplished for your customers without appearing to brag. The model of a success story is: Your customer had a problem. You fixed it. They are now very happy. Remember to always tell your success story from the customer or prospect’s point of view. That means stick to the benefits that your customers received from your work.


On blue days, post your favorite testimonial letters on a bulletin board or clear wall space near where you work. Put the rest into a three-ring binder. Anytime you start to feel “blah,” read through your letters from all of the people saying how much you have helped them. It will perk you right up!


Are You Different?
What differentiates you and your company from other opportunities
out there? Your prospect is interested in how your company can help
them. Be specific as to how you are different! How does that
difference help your prospect?

Gather as much information in the beginning of this process. By
doing this, you will top the 97% out there who do not
bother doing this. In essence, this creates a real competitive
advantage for you.
Think again from the standpoint of your prospect: What would I do
if someone contacted me in this way? Use that feeling each and
every time you approach someone.

Tip 1- Have a way of contacting prospects who want to be contacted. If you've found the lead through a past party, then they've already met you. This should also take the horrible feeling of cold calling out from the pit of your stomach as well.
Tip 2- Qualify your prospects. Before taking the time to develop
the relationship be sure that the prospect has the time, money, and desire to work with you.
If not, you'll both get frustrated and results will suffer. This sounds
like a given, but honestly, you would be surprised at how many
people forget to do this basic qualifying when first approaching a
new recruit. They get so excited that someone may actually want to
sign up that they forget to ask the basics.
Tip 3- Position yourself as a professional. DO NOT sound desperate.
Ever. This alone will separate you from the majority of recruiters out there. Avoid creating the impression that anyone can just join your business at anytime. Be selective and let the prospect know that your time, money, and effort will be invested inthose who qualify and join your team. Make your prospect want that opportunity because if
they're properly qualified, you should in fact be spending that time with the new distributor.
As a leader in your company it's your responsibility to recruit
into your business recruits that lead to long-term profitability and growth. This process doesn't have to be the painful--most sellers we talk to absolutely LOVE recruiting!
Speaking with prospects who have requested information from you specifically is a great basicbuilding block for you and your organization. By just being a friend first, the relationship building strategies in recruiting become much easier.

New Recruits?

Make them feel cozy with practice!

Your new recruits are probably very excited, nervous and downright scared! They are anxious to get started earning money, confidence with their products and a steady business growth. But are you casting them to the customers too soon?

Each of your new recruits should be invited to a “practice party.” This party would involve each of your new recruits you've signed up that month. Each of these new recruits should invite two people to attend the practice party. Having friendly faces in the crowd always helps to steady jitters.

These parties should be segmented so each recruit gets the chance to do a part of the presentation. The presentations should be divided up and each recruit does a separate item, service, etc. They should each be involved in the sales part of the presentation (usually toward the end).

These parties are fun and relaxing and perfect for new recruits to “get the bugs out” of their presentation skills, sales skills, etc. The guests should be informed that it is a practice party and everyone will feel more relaxed knowing that fact. Guests are at ease and the newbie sellers will feel more freedom in giving information, showing the products and practicing their sales skills.

Recruits will feel much more comfortable knowing that they have this practice party (or even two) in order to develop their confidence and skills before setting off themselves. Since it won’t be billed as a “real” sales party it will set them at ease. Of course, it should be a selling situation as well. It should be productive financially but very casual and easy-going (read: lots of laughter, a few goof-ups, but ultimately a confidence builder!). And they will sell more faster!

As their recruiter you can attend the party to offer them tips, suggestions on their techniques, etc. This can be done after the party at a personal consultation session or as a group session after the party. Recruits can learn from others’ mistakes and their own triumphs. It will help get them off on the right foot even faster!



Direct Sales Success
